Farm Security System Installers

Protecting properties in rural areas from crime

Unfortunately theft is often a persistent problem for properties in rural areas. Homes, farms and businesses can be targeted by thieves who take advantage of isolated locations. When it comes to security protection for properties in rural areas, prevention is always better than cure. By installing a security alarm and/or CCTV system, your home or business is much less likely to be targeted.

Security for rural businesses and homes

At FirstEye we work with many clients living and working in rural areas; designing, installing and maintaining a range of highly effective security solutions.

CCTV offers unbeatable protection and the sight of security cameras are usually sufficient to put off the majority of thieves. CCTV can be used to protect the interior and exterior of your property – regardless of size – providing a highly effective way to safeguard out buildings, farm equipment and more. As with the latest security alarms, the latest CCTV systems now offer the capability to view camera images and footage on your phone or tablet.

Security alarms offer efficient, cost-effective protection and thanks to developments in technology, it is now possible to receive security alerts from your alarm direct to your mobile phone or tablet. The latest security systems are straightforward to install and can be designed to meet your individual requirements, regardless of the size or use of your property.

Our team will use their expertise to design and install a system which meets the unique requirements of your property, providing you with peace of mind and comprehensive protection.

Contact FirstEye today and start protecting your rural property

Here at FirstEye we have over 20 years of experience of working with home and business owners in rural areas throughout Yorkshire. To find out more about how we can help you provide your rural property with the protection you need, why not get in touch to arrange for a free, no-obligation quote and security survey?

security lighting installed in Leeds

How to use security lighting to protect your property

The nights are getting longer and it wont be long now until the clocks change and we’re almost into winter! With this in mind, ensuring the security of your home becomes increasingly important as unfortunately, thieves often use the opportunities presented by the longer nights to increase their activity.

Installing security lighting is an affordable and cost-effective way to give your home’s security a much-needed boost during the winter months. Burglars seek out dark, poorly lit areas from which they can scope out a property or break in undetected. However, by illuminating these areas, you’ll deter thieves by taking away potential hiding places.

At FirstEye we install a wide range of different types of energy efficient security lighting. With options to suit all types of property (including commercial, industrial, business and residential), we can help you select the ideal system for your budget and requirements.

Our security lighting installation services are available throughout Leeds and West Yorkshire, with flexible appointment times available. To find out more about our security lighting installations in Leeds, or to arrange for a free, no-obligation quote, please get in touch by calling 0113 228 8599.

How to protect your property with automatic gates and barriers

Automatic gates and barriers are ideal for improving security and controlling the movement of vehicles, providing an effective way to protect your home or business premises from unwanted visitors.

We are an established team of electrical installation specialists with decades of expertise in security installations for residential, commercial and business customers. Our services include the supply and installation of automatic security gates, barriers and bollards for business and residential properties in Leeds and throughout Yorkshire

Automatic gates to suit your individual requirements

From design through to installation, our electric gate installation service offers a great way to ensure your new gates are fitted quickly, with the minimum of fuss and disruption. Whether you’re looking for a security gate for a factory car park, office building or your home, we’ll work closely with you to design and install a gate which meets your security needs.

We know that all properties and organisations are different and we’ll work with you to find the best method of control for your property. The security gates and barriers installed by FirstEye can be controlled in a range of different ways such as hand-held remote keys, mobile controls or entry via key fob.

Whichever security gate or barrier you choose, safety and security are incredibly important the team at FirstEye. With this in mind, all of the gates and barriers we installed are designed to ensure that the latest health and safety regulations are met, providing you with peace of mind that your staff, visitors or family are protected.

access control installations Leeds

How a commercial CCTV system could help you protect your business

If you’ve been deterred by potential cost and disruption of installing a commercial CCTV system, we thought we’d some of the main benefits offered by the latest systems. Installing CCTV is more affordable than ever and whether you decide to install just one camera or several, CCTV offers real benefits. Here are a few of the ways CCTV could help you protect your business and improve security:

  • Safeguard your premises 24/7: The latest CCTV systems can be viewed on a smartphone, tablet or laptop, offering you the capability to monitor your business premises regardless of where you are. Not only does this provide peace of mind, it also gives you the chance to take immediate action in the event of a break in.

  • Deter criminals: provided cameras are placed where they can be easily seen, CCTV offers a highly effective way of deterring thieves from entering your premises. Signs to warn criminals that they will be prosecuted are displayed alongside, providing a very visible deterrent, making them think twice before attempting to break in. It’s worth remember that criminals are most likely to target businesses which appear to have little security protection and installing CCTV is a great way to give yours the protection it deserves.

  • Safeguard your employees: installing CCTV can help your staff feel safer, particularly those who have to work alone or at night.

  • Aid prosecutions and prevent false claims: today’s CCTV systems are designed to provide crystal-clear images, helping to increase chances of prosecution whilst also assisting you with an insurance claim. In addition, CCTV footage can also help to provide you with protection from fraudulent insurance claims or claims for personal injury or misconduct.

  • Enhance work and safety: an often overlooked benefit of CCTV is the benefits it can offer in terms of creating a safer working environment. CCTV cameras help to encourage staff to stick to health and safety rules, helping to minimise the risk of them taking potentially hazardous shortcuts. CCTV can also prove useful in emergency situations, such a spotting a fire or accident.

Get in touch with FirstEye to find out more

At FirstEye we have many years of experience of working with commercial businesses throughout Leeds, designing and installing CCTV systems designed to meet their budget and requirements. If you would like to find out more, or to obtain a free, no-obligation quote, please don’t hesitate to get in touch for further information.

home security installations Leeds

Our advice on how to beat the burglars

In this week’s blog we’re going to focus upon what burglars are looking for and how to keep your valuables safe.

Should the worst happen and a burglar manages to get into your home, the chances are they’ll want to steal as much as they can and then get away as quickly as possible. As a result, small items such as jewellery and cash, or small electrical items such as smartphones or laptops tend to be stolen the most.

So what can you do to make it as hard as possible for them to find what they want? Here are a few ideas on how to beat the burglars and protect your valuables:

  • There’s a misconception that hiding things in strange places is a good idea. However, a burglar will look for anything unusual and will try to uncover valuables by searching under the bed, inside drawers and even inside your sofa or mattress. In addition, this can make it more difficult to check what’s missing if the worst happens.

  • Don’t leave large suitcases or bags lying around: thieves use these to carry away as much as possible.

  • Don’t leave spare keys lying around or all your keys in one place. Burglars often look for spare keys so don’t label yours or any spare keys you keep for your neighbours.

  • The next best thing to a safe is your loft. If you have valuables you don’t use or wear, keeping them in the loft is a great way to protect them as a burglar is unlikely to risk going up there.

  • Never leave valuable items in sight of windows or exterior doors.

  • The best way to protect small items is to install a safe that’s fixed to a floor. Safes which aren’t fixed to the floor can be picked up and dropped to open them.

Protect your property with a security alarm installed by FirstEye

It’s very important to remember that when it comes to burglary, prevention is always better than a cure. Installing a security alarm is the best way to prevent burglary, providing a highly visible deterrent that will deter most thieves. Here at FirstEye we install residential alarm systems for homes of all sizes. To find out more about how we can help you give your home the protection it deserves, get in touch by calling 0113 228 8599 or email

electrical installations in Leeds

Our advice on how to reduce the risk of an electrical fire

Unfortunately house fires are often caused by electrical faults and sadly many of these fires result in severe injuries, death and serious damage. This is particularly worrying when you consider that most electrical fires could have been easily prevented and with this in mind, carrying out a few simple checks and being aware of the warning signs could save your life.

Do you know the warning signs of an electrical fire?

Statistics show that the majority of electrical fires happen during the winter months. This is likely to be because the days are shorter and so we tend to have lighting, heating and appliances turned on for longer periods. In addition, we’re more likely to stay at home during the winter, using rooms we don’t use so often in the summer, increasing the risk of a fire resulting from a faulty socket or appliance.

Another major cause of electrical fires is faulty or poor wiring and the danger posed by frayed or exposed wires should never be underestimated. Visible wires can be ‘live’ when touched and can cause an electrical shock or start a fire.

Many people assume that electrical fires start spontaneously but this is not so. In most cases there will have a been a prior warning and things to look out for include switches or plugs which feel hot to the touch. However some plugs to get hot and if this is the case, the manufacturer will have indicted this on the packaging. As a general rule of thumb though, hot plugs or sockets should not be used until they have been checked over by a qualified electrician.

Never be tempted to plug in more than one appliance into a single socket, especially when the socket is already being used to a power an appliance which tends to be used very frequently such as a kettle. Rather than overloading sockets, it’s much, much safer to have additional sockets installed by a qualified electrician.

Get in touch with FirstEye

Here at Firsteye we believe that electrical safety should be taken very seriously and if you would like advice about the electrics in your home, or to obtain a free, no-obligation quote, we’d be delighted to help. To find out more or to arrange an appointment at a time to suit you, please get in touch.

cctv installations west yorkshire

Do you know how to design a security plan for your business?

If you run your own business, the chances are that you’re already well aware of your responsibility to ensure workplace safety. Although the term ‘workplace safety’ includes things like electrical safety etc., it’s important to make careful consideration for the personal safety of your employees, customers, whilst also ensuring your business assets are protected.

At FirstEye we have years of experience in providing business in Leeds with a wide range of highly effective security solutions. We know that not everyone has the big budgets needed to afford the latest security systems and with this in mind, we offer solutions to suit all budgets.

We also know that the security requirements of different businesses can vary hugely. An office-based business, for example, is unlikely to need the same security protection as a shop full of expensive stock, a factory with valuable equipment or a farm. Security is important for all businesses and we work closely with business owners to find a system that fits their individual needs.

How to plan your businesses’ security

Many business owners fail to think about security on a regular basis, having no idea if they are adequately protected. Whilst a ‘head in the sand’ approach might work the majority of the time, it can prove extremely expensive and stressful if the worst happens and your suffer a break in. Taking an inventory of your existing security systems is a great way to begin and spending a little time checking your alarm is a good place to start. Here are a few things you might like to think about:

  • Do you store sensitive information such as financial records?

  • Is your business protected by an alarm, and if it is, when was the last time it was serviced?

  • Does your business have a reception area? Is it protected by CCTV?

  • Does your business have a car park and is it protected from unauthorised vehicles?

  • Is your business in a remote area?

Thinking about the security of your business is a good way to identify any areas which are vulnerable and would benefit from extra protection. Reception areas, for example, really benefit from the protection offered by CCTV, whilst an access control system is a cost-effective way to control who has access to your business premises.

Car parks often benefit from the enhanced security provided by barriers, whilst security lighting offers a way to help staff feel more secure and deter potential intruders. Last and by no means least, ensuring your security alarm is in good working order, or installing an alarm if you don’t already have one is an unbeatable way to increase the security of your business.

Contact FirstEye to arrange for your free security survey

Here at FirstEye we take great pride in providing businesses in Leeds with a wide range of high-quality, affordable security solutions. From alarm installations and maintenance, through to CCTV, access control and security lighting, we have the expertise to ensure you, your staff and your business are safe, secure and protected from crime.

Please get in touch by calling 0113 228 8599 to arrange for your free, no-obligation security survey.

security installations leeds

Does your business have adequate fire protection?

Even a small fire can result in major damage to a business, putting the lives of those who work there at risk of serious injury or worse. It is essential that ll non-domestic buildings should have a fire alarm fitted for safety purposes and to detect fire. This is also an essential requirement for insurance purposes.

Although different types of fire alarm systems are available, the operate in largely the same way; using detectors to sense heat or smoke, or a manual break unit. If the alarm is triggered, a warning siren will alert the building’s occupants, whilst some systems are also designed to report the event to the emergency services.

A number of commercial fire alarm systems are available which use combined sensors, designed to detect either smoke, heat or CO2, depending on the type of business and where the alarm is located. If you run a catering business or restaurant, for example, there would be little point in installing smoke detectors as heat sensors would be a much better option. On the other hand office buildings, for example, are at greater risk of fire caused by combustible materials such as paper and soft furnishings, making smoke detectors the safest choice.

Commercial fire alarm installations in Leeds and surrounding areas

As fire alarm installation specialists in Leeds, we will install the most appropriate fire detection and alarm to suit the unique requirements of your business. Our alarm installations are in line with British Standards BS5839-1. Before carrying out an installation we will carry out a risk assessment to determine the type of building and how it used. For example, a residential care home or student accommodation which have permanent residents would be assessed in a different way to an office where people are only present during the day. We also take into account the ease of emergency evacuation which is particularly important in some environments such as care homes or schools.

Contact FirstEye

Every fire alarm we install comes with a commissioning certificate, installation certificate, fire alarm plan, user guide and weekly test log book. In addition, we also offer a range of servicing plans, designed to provide peace of mind and ensure that you meet legislation.

To find out more about how we can help you protect your business premises, staff or residents from the risk of fire, please contact FirstEye to arrange your free risk assessment survey and quote.

Shop security installations leeds

What’s the most effective way to improve the security of your commercial business?

It takes a great deal of time and energy to build up a successful retail business and with this in mind you’ll want to do everything you can to protect valuable stock and business assets.

However, the ever-present scourge of shoplifting unfortunately affects countless shop owners each year, with many millions of pounds lost to theft. Sadly’ shops will always attract shoplifters but what can you do to make yours more secure? Here’s our advice on some of the best ways to improve shop security:

• Map crime: if you’re finding that items are going missing, spend time working out which areas of the shop seem most susceptible. Keep a record of locations, dates and times – once you’ve pinpointed a particular area it’s easier to work out how to improve surveillance. Making the area more visible by repositioning shelving or stock can help, whilst asking staff to spend more time there is often beneficial.
• Keep things tidy: a neat and tidy shop sends out a signal that everything is in order, including security and surveillance. Don’t forget the exterior of your shop too: making sure it looks well kept is a clear demonstration that the security of your business is important to you.
• Say hello: greeting shoppers when they enter your shop is a simple yet highly effective way to help cut down on theft. Shoplifters are likely assess how easy it is to steal from you as soon as they walk in: making it clear that you’re paying attention sends out the message that you’re watching and are aware of what’s going on.
• Install CCTV: if you haven’t already done so, installing CCTV is probably the single most effective step you can take to improve the security of your shop. Carefully positioned cameras will deter the majority of thieves whilst providing you with reassurance and evidence if the worst happens.

Contact FirstEye for advice on the best ways to protect your commercial business

We work with businesses throughout Leeds and Yorkshire, providing a wide range of cost-effective security solutions. From intruder alarms and CCTV, through to access control and security lighting, we can help you find solutions to provide your retail premises with the protection it deserves.

To find out more, or to arrange for a free, no-obligation security survey, get in touch by calling 0113 228 8599 or email

wireless video doorbell

Can a wireless doorbell improve the security of your home?

Designed to enable audio and video communication between you and visitors to your front door, wireless video doorbells offer a great way to enhance security and provide peace of mind. Wireless doorbells are ideal for all homes, regardless of size, providing particularly useful for the elderly, vulnerable and properties in remote areas.

What are wireless video doorbells?

Wireless video doorbells are designed to let you answer the door, regardless of where you are! Video doorbells use a Wi-Fi signal to stream live video direct to a mobile phone or tablet. This offers a range of significant advantages including:

• Some wireless video doorbell systems including motion sensors, designed to detect movement around your front door.
• Give callers the appearance that someone is at home when they’re not.
• Receive caller alerts directly to your phone or tablet – regardless of the time of day or where you might be.
• Screen callers and decide whether you want to answer the door or not.
• Communicate directly with delivery drivers or the postman, providing them with instructions on what to do with a delivery if you are out.
• Provide additional peace of mind for the elderly or vulnerable by allowing a trusted friend or relative to screen callers from another location.

Alongside these benefits, many wireless video doorbells are designed to be integrated into a smart home security system. When combined with a wireless security system and/or CCTV, a wireless video doorbell will provide your home and family with comprehensive protection, whilst offering you the capability to monitor your property 24/7, no matter where you are.

Wireless video doorbell installations in Leeds

At FirstEye we provide specialist home security installations for customers throughout Leeds. To find out more or to arrange for a free, no obligation security survey of your home, please don’t hesitate to get in touch for further information.