home security installations Leeds

What’s the best way to protect your home when you’re away on holiday?

Thanks to the recent announcement on the partial-easing of overseas travel restrictions, the possibility of getting away on holiday is giving us hope that we might get away this summer after all! Whether you’re keeping your fingers crossed for the chance of an overseas trip, or are setting your sights closer to home with a staycation, it’s important to ensure your home is adequately protected against burglary.

The single most effective way to do this is by making sure home looks occupied, even though it’s empty. This can be easier than it sounds and by using a number of effective strategies, you’ll be able to deter thieves from attempting to break into your home. Here are some of our top tips on how to make your home look occupied when you’re away on holiday:

  • Make sure you have adequate security systems in place, such as a working burglar alarm with bell boxes which are clearly visible from both the front and back of your home.
  • Install smart lighting or use timer switches to programme lights and lamps to switch on when it gets dark.
  • If your post is visible through the front door, ask a neighbour or friend to move it so it’s out of sight. Alternatively, Royal Mail offers a service where, for a small fee, they will keep your post for you whilst you’re away, delivering it one batch when you return.
  • Mow the lawn and cut back any overgrown hedges, shrubs or bushes. Not only does this ensure your home looks well cared for and occupied, it also helps to prevent burglars from having somewhere to hide.
  • Don’t forget to cancel the milk as there’s nothing like a collection of milk bottles on the doorstep to advertise the fact that you’re away!
  • Last and by no means least, for high effective, 24/7 security, why not consider a CCTV system?

Get in touch with FirstEye

If you would like to find out more about using security systems to protect your home, get in touch with FirstEye. We offer a wide range of cost-effective security solutions, with options to suit all budgets and requirements, including CCTV, security alarms, security lighting and smart doorbells.

Contacting us is easy: simply call 0113 228 8599 or email quote@firsteye.co.uk

access control installations Leeds

Which type of access control system is best for your business?

Access control systems installed in Leeds by FirstEye

Access control systems provide flexible security by enabling you to control who has access to your business premises, or particular areas of your business premises, at any time. Offering the ideal way to prevent unauthorised access, installing access control also puts an end to the expensive (and time-consuming) problem of lost staff keys and having to change locks.

Standalone or networked access control?

Access control is ideal for a wide range of settings and is suitable for installation in offices, shops and warehouses, through to care homes, schools and nurseries. However, as there are two main types of access control system available – standalone and network/PC based – it can be difficult to choose the best system for your particular premises. Our team are experts in providing businesses and organisations of all sizes with guidance but in the meantime, here’s an outline of each type of access control system:

Standalone access control systems are simple to operate and are most effective when used to control a single gate, door, or several doors in a series. Each unit is individually programmed by each doors entry system which means that this type of access control system is more suitable when there are a smaller number of users. Access is gained at each door via either a keypad code number, swipe card or ‘key’ fob which is scanned by a reader. Ideal for small business premises such as offices or shops, standalone access control also proves very effective when installed in flats, apartments, members only clubs or individual storage units.

Access control systems which are networked or PC based, are controlled from a central computer through networked access control software. Users have the capability to control all of the access points within a building from anywhere in the building. In addition, individual or group user access pathways can also be created, whilst access cards, fobs or tokens can be added or blocked as required. In addition, networked access control systems also include a reporting facility which enables the identification of everyone who has passed through each access point or door. As a result, the capabilities of networked systems makes them ideal for larger businesses who need multiple user access with individual control, or for sites which multiple buildings such as colleges, universities, commercial buildings and industrial sites.

Get in touch with FirstEye

If you would like to find out more about the benefits to your business of installing access control, get in touch with FirstEye by calling 0113 228 8599 or email quote@firsteye.co.uk

home security systems Leeds

Is your home security up to scratch?

If you’ve ever been burgled, you’ll know only too well just how stressful and upsetting it can be. Not only is there the thought that a complete stranger has been inside your home, but there’s also distress having personal items taken from you. Furthermore, sorting out an insurance claim can be difficult and extremely time consuming. With this in mind, preventing a burglary from happening in the first place is a very sensible step to take.

Although installing a burglar home is a must, there’s also a range of different ways you can make your home safer. A good place to start is by considering every possible entry point to your home, such as doors and windows, for example, and thinking about how they could be safeguarded.

Burglars operate in different ways, and whilst opportunistic thieves will target a property if they see a chance to enter, others will scope out a property in advance, sometimes in collaboration with others. This means that it’s import to consider whether your home always look occupied, there are no places for burglars to hide and that entrances to the house are difficult to enter and visible.

Simple ways to improve home security

Here are a few things to think about to help you improve home security:

  • Make sure doors and windows aren’t left open, if they’re not easily accessible
  • Ensure it’s not obvious when you’re away on holiday or out
  • Never leave a spare key that’s visible or easy to find
  • Don’t provide places for burglars to hide such as hedges and large shrubs
  • Don’t leave ladders lying around
  • Protect your garage or shed with good quality padlocks, security locks and an alarm
  • Install visible window and door locks
  • If you’re away on holiday, ask a neighbour to collect your post or move it out of sight
  • Install timer-switches on lights and lamps

Get in touch with FirstEye

At FirstEye we are specialists in installing a wide range of cost-effective security systems for homeowners in Leeds and surrounding areas. From security alarms and CCTV, through to security lighting and smart doorbells, we can provide your home with comprehensive protection.

To find out more, or obtain a free security survey, get in touch by calling 0113 228 8599 or email quote@firsteye.co.uk

CCTV isn’t just for catching intruders – it can help protect your pets too

CCTV systems installed in Leeds by FirstEye

Increasing numbers of homeowners are installing CCTV as a highly effective way to protect their property from crime. However, did you know that CCTV also offers a great way to check on your property when you’re away from home and is ideal for keeping an eye on pets, for example?

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and the fact that many people are now working from home, there has been a sharp increase in the number of dog owners. Unfortunately, this rise in pet ownership has led to a significant rise in the theft of dogs from domestic properties. Obviously, we can’t be at home to keep an eye on our pets 24/7 and this is where CCTV can prove incredibly useful.

CCTV has become increasingly popular with homeowners over recent years. Offering an incredibly effective way to safeguard against crime, CCTV is widely recognised as a great way to deter thieves from attempting to enter your property. The sight of CCTV is often enough to deter even the most determined the thieves, as the cameras indicate that you take the security of your home very seriously.

For the very best coverage and to provide your pets with maximum protection, installing cameras both inside and outside your home is likely to be the best option. Here at FirstEye we have many years of experience in installing CCTV in all properties of all sizes, and our team can advise you on the best way to give your home (and pets) the best possible protection.

We have systems to suit all budgets and requirements: from HD TVI CCTV which is the ideal option for homeowners who want good coverage at an affordable price. Alternatively, HD IP CCTV is perfect for tech-savvy homeowners who’d like a future proof system.

Get in touch with FirstEye

Alongside CCTV installations we also provide a wide range of cost-effective security installations for homeowners in Leeds and surrounding areas. From intruder alarms through to electric gates and smart doorbells, we can provide the protection your home and family deserves. To find out more, or to obtain a free quote, please get in touch by calling 0113 228 8599 or email quote@firsteye.co.uk

access control Leeds

Control who has access to your business premises with an access control system

Access control systems installed in Leeds by FirstEye

Retail premises are, at long last, finally able to re-open after months of closure. If you run a retail premises, the chances are that you’re hoping for a busy couple of months to make up for such a long period of inactivity! However, the last thing you want to worry about is losing valuable stock to theft. This is where an access control system can prove extremely useful by providing a barrier between your business and opportunistic theft or malicious damage.

What is access control?

A wide range of access control systems are available: from single door or gate locks, through to multiple user systems. Access control systems are designed to provide flexible security by enabling you to control who access to your building, or particular areas of your building, at any time. Most access control systems consist of a simple control panel located next to a door. Access is given either by entering a key code, using a key fob or access card. This means that if an access card or key is lost or stolen it can simply be erased from the system, putting an end to expensive lock replacements. In addition, because individual users can be assigned individual access, you’ll be able to control who has access to different areas, giving you complete, flexible control over security.

Access control is ideal for a wide range of settings: from small retail premises and stock rooms, through to factories, commercial building, warehouses and offices. In addition, schools, nurseries and care homes are making increasing use of access control as a simple yet highly effective way to protect children or the people in their care.

At FirstEye we have a team of fully trained and experienced engineers who are specialists in the installation of Paxton Access Control Systems. One of the most trusted brands in access control, Paxton systems offer superb reliability and excellent value for money.

Get in touch with FirstEye

If you would like to find out more about the benefits of access control for your business, or to obtain a free, no-obligation quote, please get in touch with us by calling 0113 228 8599 or email quote@firsteye.co.uk

alarm installation maintenance in Leeds

Enjoy peace of mind with our fully accredited electrical installation services

FirstEye security installations in Leeds and surrounding areas

We know that finding a trader you can trust can be difficult. After all, how do you know that a trader has the skills and experience they say they have? Here at FirstEye we have been fully accredited by a number of trade associations and certification bodies. Not only does this provide peace of mind, it also gives the reassurance of knowing that our skills and expertise are up to the job.

  • Safe Contractor Approved: the Safe Contractor Scheme offers companies who want to reassure their clients that health and safety is handled sufficiently and in line with legislation by providing a health and safety audit service. FirstEye is a Safe Contractor Approved company, which means that we can provide our commercial clients with risk assessments, method statements and copies of insurance cover certificates. In addition, these documents are available on request to all our customers.
  • Federation of Small Businesses: we maintain our annual membership of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), which offers us support through businesses services, financial support and advice, and advice on employment, insurance, health and safety and much more. The support we receive helps to provide our clients with the very best service.
  • IPAF: the IPAF is an organisation which is recognised worldwide, working to promote the effective and safe use of powered access equipment. IPAF/PAL licensing is required to enable us to use mobile boom or scissor lifts to work at heights.

Get in touch with FirstEye

At FirstEye we have over 25 years of experience in the installation of a wide range of security systems for all types of domestic and commercial locations. From CCTV and intruder alarms, through to access control, security gates and security lighting, we can help you protect your home or business.

To find out more or to obtain a free, no-obligation quote, get in touch by calling 0113 228 8599 or email quote@firstye.co.uk


cctv installations west yorkshire

CCTV cameras designed to help you safeguard your staff and protect your businesses

FirstEye CCTV installations in Leeds

Unfortunately there have been several reports in the news recently covering a rise in abusive behaviour and crimes against retail and shop floor staff. This obviously extremely distressing for anyone involved and it can be hard for businesses to know what steps to take to try to prevent it from happening. However, for many businesses CCTV is playing an important part in reducing crime in shops and commercial premises. Here at FirstEye we have many years of experience in designing and installing CCTV systems in Leeds and work closely with businesses of all sizes to help them find cost-effective security solutions.

CCTV to cover the interior and exterior of your business premises

CCTV is known to provide a highly effective deterrent as the sight of the cameras alone is usually sufficient to make thieves think twice and prevent anti-social behaviour. CCTV cameras can be used to cover the interior and/or exterior of almost any type of building. A wide range of HD IP and TVI systems are available; designed to provide crystal-clear images. It’s important to select the best type of camera for each application as the specifications vary greatly. Our team has the expertise to select the best cameras and lenses to provide the best picture quality for your business.

We have our own dedicated team of qualified and highly experienced engineers. In addition, our cameras are designed to be fully complaint with British Standards for Video Surveillance Systems. We are also able to provide advice on how to ensure compliance with the Data Protection Act if this is relevant to the way your system records and stores images.

Get in touch with FirstEye to arrange for a free, no-obligation quote

To find out more about how we can help your staff feel safer at work whilst also protecting your business, get in touch with us to arrange for your free, no-obligation security survey and quote. Contacting us is easy: simply call 0113 228 8599 or email quote@firsteye.co.uk

smart home security

Protect your home when you get away

We don’t know about you but the team here at FirstEye are all keeping their fingers crossed and hoping we’ll get the chance to go on holiday this summer! Whether you’re holding out for a foreign getaway, or about to book at UK staycation, it’s important to ensure your home is adequately protected whilst you’re away. Here at FirstEye we’re experts in providing affordable security systems for residential properties, with options to suit all budgets and requirements.

Here are a few examples of how we can help you safeguard your property and ensure peace of mind:

CCTV: no longer just used in car parks and shopping centres, CCTV is becoming increasingly popular with homeowners. CCTV offers unbeatable protection 24/7 and the sight of the cameras alone is usually sufficient to deter most thieves.

Security alarms: a security alarm should be an essential piece of security kit for all residential properties. An alarm will protect your home whilst deterring potential thieves and thanks to the latest alarm technology, you’ll be able to control your alarm through an app on your smartphone or tablet.

Access control: particularly suited to elderly or vulnerable homeowners, the latest access control systems offer the capability to check who’s at the door without having to answer it.

Smart doorbells: designed to work in a similar way to access control systems and will enable you to ‘answer’ the door even when you’re not at home. A great way to avoid missed deliveries and verify callers, a smart doorbell offers a cost effective way to enhance security.

Contact more to information on our security installations in Leeds

We experts in installing a cracking range – no pun intended, honestly – security systems for homeowners in Leeds. We provide free security surveys and are happy to offer advice on the best solutions to suit your home and lifestyle. Get in touch by calling 0113 2288599.

Business Security

Want to improve the security of your business but don’t know where to start?

Security advice and installations from FirstEye in Leeds

Business security is vital for all businesses, regardless of size or type. From shops and offices, through to working from home, factories and warehouses, the importance of businesses security is an essential requirement. At FirstEye we understand that business security can seem confusing if it’s something you haven’t considered before. With this in mind, choosing the right security solutions to meet your budget and requirements is a daunting prospect. We can help you find security systems that will offer the best protection for your business, ensuring your money is well spent and you have peace of mind.

We offer a wide range of security solutions for businesses in Leeds:

  • CCTV installations – protect and monitor your business 24/7 using a smartphone app. Installing CCTV is a highly effective way to deter thieves and to provide additional reassurance that your business is protected when you’re not there.
  • Intruder alarms – we install high quality intruder alarms which multiple user capacity. Installing an intruder alarm is a must for all businesses and will help to safeguard your business from crime.
  • Access control – perfect for controlling or preventing access for certain areas, access control is a great way to monitor who’s coming and going. Access control is ideal for reception areas, stock rooms, data storage rooms and more.
  • Security lighting – security lighting is designed to illuminate outside areas when it’s dark. Known to provide a highly effective deterrent, security lighting offers a cost-effective way to safeguard the exterior of your business premises.
  • Vehicle barriers and physical security – installing vehicle barriers is a great way to safeguard car parks, loading bays or glass-fronted buildings.
  • Fire alarms – installing a fire alarm is a legal requirement for many businesses. We can help you choose a system which meets your requirements and our maintenance packages offer an efficient way to ensure your system is reliable and in good working order.

Get in touch with FirstEye to obtain your free quote

Whether you’d like advice on upgrading an existing security or are looking for a brand new installation, we’d be delighted to help. The best way to start is by arranging one of our free, no-obligation security surveys. To arrange yours, please get in touch by calling 0113 288 8599 or email quote@firsteye.co.uk

security system installation

Is your home a Smart Home?

From video doorbells and wireless security cameras, through to motion sensors and lighting, for the uninitiated smart home security can seem very confusing! A smart home security system is simply a set of security devices which are connected to each other through the internet. These different devices can be controlled together or individually through a central ‘hub’ connected to an app on your smartphone tablet. A smart home security system can offer a number of benefits, not least in terms of convenience.

Here are some examples of you and your family could benefit from smart home security:

• Security systems can be controlled remotely, enabling to set or un-set your burglar alarm after you’ve left the house.
• CCTV images can be viewed remotely via a smartphone app.
• You’ll be able to monitor your home when you’re not there, providing much needed peace of mind when you’re away on holiday or out at work.
• Some home security systems provide the capability to control areas of your home such as heating, lighting or appliances.

Smart home security systems installed by FirstEye

A professional installation is the best way to ensure your home security system is correctly set up so you gain maximum benefit. At FirstEye we can help you choose the right system for your home and family, whilst ensuring CCTV cameras are positioned correctly and that the alarm siren is clearly visible, for example.

If you would like to find out how we can help you protect your home with a smart home security system, please get in touch to arrange for your free, no-obligation quote and security survey.