security systems installed in Leeds

Don’t get caught out – secure your home now before winter sets in

Domestic security systems installed in Leeds by FirstEye

As the days get shorter and the nights longer, now is a great time to review the security of your home. Burglars are more likely to attempt to break into a property whilst it’s dark and will make the most of the long nights of winter to target homes which aren’t adequately. With this in mind, it’s well worth ensuring you have sufficient security measures in place now, rather than waiting until after the worst has happened and your home is burgled.

Here at FirstEye we work with homeowners throughout Leeds, installing a wide range of security solutions with options to suit all budgets and requirements. From alarm systems and security lighting, through to CCTV and smart doorbells, we can help you ensure your home is safe, secure and protected from the risk of crime.

  • CCTV – an increasingly affordable option, CCTV offers a great way to give the interior and/or exterior of your home. We have the expertise to install HD CCTV systems which are designed to provide crystal clear images; ideal for protecting your home and checking on your property or pets when you’re not there.
  • Intruder alarms – we install the latest in wireless intruder alarm technology which offers to set and control your alarm regardless of where you are using an app on your smartphone.
  • Door and gate intercoms – ideal for providing additional protection and peace of mind, door and gate intercoms can be particularly helpful for elderly or vulnerable homeowners and those living in remote areas.
  • Security lighting – a great way to deter thieves and ensure the exterior of your home is secure, security lighting is available in a range of options to suit all types of property.
  • Electric gates and security posts – if you’d like to secure your driveway or private parking area then electric gates or a security post provide an efficient solution.

Get in touch with FirstEye

To find out more about our services or to obtain a free, no-obligation quote and security survey, get in touch with us by calling 0113 228 8599 or email

security lighting installations Leeds

Security lighting provides added protection for your home or business

Security lighting installed in Leeds by FirstEye

The days are slowly getting shorter and next month will see the end of British summer time! With this in mind, now is a great time to consider installing security lighting as an additional way to give your home or business further protection during the hours of darkness.

The benefits of security lighting

Installing security lighting offers a number of benefits including:

  • In comparison to the cost of more complex security measures such as CCTV, security lighting is relatively low cost.

  • Security lighting is ideal for installation in residential or business settings.

  • Security lighting offers a highly effective deterrent as intruders are less likely to target a brightly lit area.

  • A wide range of options are available, from dusk to dawn lighting and motion sensor lighting.

Here at FirstEye we are an established security installation company with many years of experience in working with private and business clients throughout Leeds. We have the expertise to install a security lighting system which meets your individual requirements; whether you require just one light to protect the entrance to your home, or a complex system designed to safeguard your business premises.

If you would like to find out more about the benefits of installing security lighting at your home or business premises, or obtain a free, no-obligation quote, get in touch with our team by calling 0113 228 8599 or email

security lighting installations Leeds

What you need to know before installing a CCTV system

CCTV systems installed in Leeds by FirstEye

CCTV offers enhanced security for your home. However, before you install a system, there are a number of things you need to consider. Protecting your home with a CCTV system comes with a set of responsibilities such as the privacy of your neighbours, for example. Here are a few ways to ensue you make the most of CCTV technology whilst also meeting privacy regulations:

• Before installing a CCTV system you should take time to consider whether it is the best solution for you and your property. At FirstEye we work with homeowners throughout Leeds and will use our expertise to help you find the most appropriate privacy system. For some properties, for example, motion sensor security lighting may be sufficient.
• External cameras should be carefully positioned to ensure that they don’t invade your neighbour’s privacy or the privacy of passers by.
• If your CCTV cameras do happen to capture part of a neighbouring property, or a property across the road, you must ensure you comply with data protection regulations.
• In order to comply with data protection regulations you’ll need to display signage to let other people know that CCTV cameras are in operation, only provide access to the footage to those who need it (e.g. the police) and select a system which enables you to choose what to record.
• You should always make sure that the date and time on your system are correct and that images aren’t stored for longer than necessary. This means that footage must be deleted once it is no longer required.
• The information recorded should only be used for the purposes for which the system was installed.

The above covers the main points to consider and for further information on how to ensure you’re using your system correctly, please get in touch with us or see the latest government guidance.

CCTV systems installed in Leeds by FirstEye

Here at FirstEye we have many years of experience of installing CCTV and security systems for residential and business customers throughout Leeds and West Yorkshire. If you would like to find out more about CCTV and security, please get in touch.

Business Security

Now is the time to review the security of your businesses

Business security solutions installed in Leeds by FirstEye

As things slowly get back to ‘normal’, with increasing numbers of businesses returning to work or life in the office, now is the perfect time to revue the security of your business. We’re still living in uncertain times and with this in mind, thinking about how to safeguard your business now and in the event of possible future ‘lock down’ situations, will offer you peace of mind.

Here at FirstEye we provide a wide range of business security solutions, with options to suit businesses of all shapes and sizes; from those working from home through to offices, warehouses and factories. Whether you’re looking for a simple security alarm or a complex access control system, our team has the expertise to provide you with a solution which matches your budget and requirements.

When it comes to investing in business security we know that it can be difficult to decide which the best options are for you. Here are a few things to think about to help you determine the most suitable security solutions for your business premises:

  • Is your business open to the general public? Shops and office premises with busy reception areas often benefit from the installation of a CCTV system. CCTV not only offers a highly effective deterrent against theft, it can also prove incredibly useful in the event of a police investigation or insurance claim.
  • Is valuable stock or sensitive information stored in your business premises? If this is the case, installing an access control system will help you monitor and control who has access to particular areas of your premises.
  • Are you working from home? Don’t forget that IT equipment is expensive to replace so make sure your home is adequately protected with a reliable home security system.

These are just some things to think about and if you need further advice or guidance, we’d be delighted to help. Contacting FirstEye is easy: simply call 0113 228 8599 or email

security systems for sheds and garages

Is your shed or garage secured against theft?

Domestic security installations in Leeds

As a result of the unusual summer we’ve had, many people have had the chance to get more exercise than before. Sales of bikes have rocketed as increasing number of people discover or re-discover the joys of getting about on two wheels. In addition, over the summer months we tend to use our shed and outbuildings a lot more than in the summer. Whether you’re in and out of the shed with gardening equipment or use it to store bikes and sports equipment, it can be all to easy to leave it unsecured and vulnerable to a break in.

Shed security is something which is often overlooked by homeowners but as crime reports show, shed and garage burglaries are becoming commonplace. Unfortunately, sheds and garages are often targeted by thieves as they know they’re used to store valuable items such as power tools and sports equipment. There it’s important to ensure your shed and garage have sufficient protection. Here are some simple steps you can take:

• Burglars are far more likely to choose sheds which are poorly protected. It’s worth installing additional security measures such as coach bolts or and clutch screws which are designed to make it difficult to remove the door. A shed bar across the door will also provide highly effective protection.
• A shed or garage window offers a potential access point. To make glazing more secure it’s a good idea to protect the inside of the glass with a laminate coating, whilst beading should be secured using clutch screws or a silicone adhesive.
• If you use your shed or garage to store bikes or other high value equipment, there are a range of products available designed to secure items to either the shed/garage frame or floor.
• Shed and garage alarms are designed to offer highly effective protection and a very visible deterrent, whilst also providing peace of mind. Here at FirstEye we have the expertise to install alarms in sheds and garages, with a range of options available to suit all budgets.

Get in touch to find out more

Here at FirstEye we are installers of a wide range of home security solutions. For further information how we can help you protect your shed or garage from theft, get in touch to arrange for a free, no-obligation quote. Contacting us is simple: call 0113 228 8599 or email

security systems installed in Leeds

Moving house? Let us provide you with the home security solutions you need

Home security solutions installed in Leeds by FirstEye

As life seems to have been put on hold since the start of the pandemic, many people are now making plans to move house. If you’re thinking about moving and are busy looking around potential properties, don’t forget to put security at the top of your list. Moving house is a very busy time and it’s easy to get distracted, but by thinking about home security now, you could save yourself a great deal of stress and expense.

Here are a few things you to consider when deciding whether a potential property is safe and secure, including:

• Ask people living in the area what it’s like to live there – local knowledge is very useful!
• What’s the area like at night? Thinks can feel very different when it’s dark and if you feel uncomfortable, it might be a good idea to look elsewhere.
• Does the property have a security system and how old/reliable is the system?
• Is there security lighting?
• If the property has a burglar alarm, make the sure you get the code and manual from the previous owners. Alarm maintenance is important and if the system hasn’t been serviced for a while, arrange for a service appointment as soon as possible.
• If there isn’t an alarm system, arrange to have one installed as soon possible. Unfortunately we meet lots of homeowners who want to have an alarm installed because they’ve just been burgled but prevention is much better than cure.
• Organise home insurance cover as soon as possible and make sure you have the correct level of cover.
• Check garages, sheds and outbuildings – if you’re going to store valuables (bikes, sports equipment, power tools etc.), consider having an alarm installed.
• Security lighting is a cost-effective, quick-fix approach to home security. Consider installing outside lights if there aren’t any.

Get in touch with FirstEye to arrange for your free security survey

At FirstEye we provide a wide range of cost-effective, reliable home security services for homeowners in Leeds. To find out more or to arrange of a free, no-obligation quote and security survey, get in touch with us by calling 0113 228 8599 or email

Fire Alarm Systems Installation Leeds

Don’t underestimate the importance of a fire alarm system

Although there are strict rules and regulations surrounding fire protection in high-rise and multi-occupancy buildings, tragedies such as Grenfell Tower have demonstrated how fire can cause catastrophic results in a building which isn’t adequately protected.

We design and install fire alarms in Leeds

Here at FirstEye we have more than 22 years of experience in designing and installing fire alarm systems for commercial buildings and workplaces. Our fully trained team understands the complicated regulations which surround fire alarm installation in multi-occupancy buildings and we’ll work closely with you to ensure your premises are safe, secure and protected.

Fire alarm systems are designed to protect commercial buildings and workplaces by detecting invisible particles of smoke. All fire alarm systems work along the same lines: if a heat or smoke detector senses smoke or heat, or an emergency ‘break glass unit’ is activated, the alarm will sound to alert those in the building. In addition, some alarms are also designed to alert the emergency services in the event of a fire.

Bespoke fire alarm systems designed to meet your unique requirements

Each fire alarm we install is designed to meet the unique requirements of the client. We also provide a clearly designed commissioning certificate, an installation certificate, with a fire alarm plan, user guide and a weekly test log book. If required, we can also provide a service and maintenance agreement.

Contact FirstEye for further information

If you’d like to find out more about our fire alarm installation services in Leeds, why not get in touch today for further information by calling 0113 228 8599 or email


home security installations Leeds

CCTV vs burglar alarms – which system is right for you?

Business and homeowners alike often ask us whether it would be best for them to have a CCTV system rather than a burglar alarm. Unfortunately, it’s hard to give a definitive answer to this question as with so many things in life, a one-size-fits-all approach simply doesn’t work! A number of factors need to be taken into consideration if you’d like to decide whether or not CCTV is best for you, including:

• Will CCTV offer the most cost-effective solution?
• Is regular maintenance going to be possible to ensure that the CCTV system continues to provide effective protection?
• Is the best option to simply install a security alarm AND CCTV system?

Although there’s no doubt that CCTV cameras provide a highly effective deterrent, if remote monitoring isn’t available, camera footage can only be used retrospectively as evidence. Despite the fact that the sight of CCTV cameras is usually enough to put off most thieves, there are some who are determined enough not to be put off.. Therefore remote monitoring is the most effective solution and can could you save money on other crime prevention measures.

What is remote monitoring?

CCTV systems which are remotely monitored will alert you as an incident happens because those monitoring the system will contact you or the emergency services. This clearly offers a far better opportunity to catch thieves whilst they’re committing a crime and footage only needs to be used once the offence has occurred. Bear in mind though that in the majority of cases though a remotely monitored CCTV system is usually sufficient to stop intruders in their tracks.

Monitored burglar alarm systems

Burglar alarm systems are also more effective when they’re monitored. Unlike simple bell only systems and depending on the type of monitoring you choose, either yourself, an emergency contact (a neighbour, for example) or the police will be informed if the alarm is triggered. Monitored alarms are much more efficient than bell only systems as when the alarm is activated, the professionals who monitor the system will asses the risk to security. A well-designed and professionally installed burglar alarm offers real benefits to home and business owners alike, providing you with protection and peace of mind, no matter where you might be.

smart thermostat installations leeds

Home automation helps to cut the cost of energy

Home automation systems installed in Leeds by FirstEye

Although the weather is warm at the moment, autumn is just around the corner and as the temperature starts to drop, many of us start thinking about the cost of heating our homes. In addition, as many people are now working from home, keeping your house warm during the winter is going to become more important than ever before! With this in mind, a home automation system can help you make big savings when it comes to reducing heating bills.

Take control of your heating with a smart thermostat

A smart thermostat can be installed as part of a home automation system and is a new type of central heating control. Designed to be accessed and adjusted remotely using an app, a smart thermostat could provide you with far more control over your central heating, regardless of what time of day or night, or where you are.
A range of smart thermostats are currently available and whilst each has different features and works slightly differently, they are likely to offer the option to:
• Turn your heating on and off, or to control the temperature via an app on a mobile phone, tablet or laptop.
• Control the heating in different rooms or areas of your home, helping to avoid wasted energy in rooms which aren’t being used.
• Provide you with information on how much energy you are using, helping you to adjust or reduce the amount of energy used.
• Control the heating in your home, based on your routine. Many home automation systems are designed to remember your routine energy use and will remember this information and set your heating accordingly.

Smart thermostats offer a range of benefits

Smart thermostats offer a number of benefits, not least in terms of helping you to save money by controlling your central heating more efficiently. For example, if you are going to be late home from work you could delay the time your heating is set to switch on, or if you’re due to get home early, the heating can be turned on in advance.
Furthermore, you’re also likely to find that because a smart thermostat gives you with an accurate picture of how much energy you use at different times of day, they offer a useful way to work out the optimum central heating settings for your home, your family and your lifestyle.

Contact Firsteye to find out more

If you would like to find out more about smart thermostats and home automation systems, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by calling 0113 228 8599.

cctv installations west yorkshire

Five ways a CCTV system could help you protect your business

CCTV installations in Leeds

If you’ve thought about installing a CCTV system but have been put off by the cost and disruption, we thought we’d set out the five main benefits which the latest systems offer. CCTV is now a cost effective option and whether you have just one camera or several, installing a system can offer your business a number of real benefits. Here are five examples of how CCTV could help you safeguard your business and enhance security:

• Deterrent: if cameras are installed in locations where they can be easily seen, CCTV offers a very effective way of deterring thieves from entering your premises. In addition, signs to warn criminals that they will be prosecuted are displayed alongside, they’ll think twice before attempting to break in. It’s also worth bearing in mind that criminals are most likely to target businesses which appear to have little or no security protection. This means that installing CCTV offers a way to give yours the protection it deserves.
• Aid prosecution and prevent false claims: the CCTV systems we install are designed to provide crystal-clear images (even when it’s dark), helping to increase chances of prosecution whilst also providing you with valuable evidence to use with an insurance claim. Furthermore, CCTV footage can also help to safeguard your business against fraudulent insurance claims or claims for personal injury or misconduct.
• Safeguard your employees: installing CCTV will help your staff feel safer, especially those who have to work alone or at night.
• Enhance work and safety: a benefit of CCTV which is often overlooked is the advantages it can offer in terms of creating a safe working environment. CCTV cameras help to encourage staff to adhere to health and safety rules, therefore helping to minimise the risk of them taking potentially hazardous shortcuts. In addition, CCTV can also prove useful in emergency situations, such a spotting a fire or accident.
• Safeguard your premises 24/7: The latest CCTV systems can be viewed on a smartphone, tablet or laptop, offering you the capability to monitor your business premises regardless of where you are. Not only does this provide peace of mind, it also gives you the chance to take immediate action in the event of a break in.

Contact FirstEye to find out more

At FirstEye we have many years of experience of working with commercial businesses throughout Leeds, designing and installing CCTV systems designed to meet their budget and requirements. If you would like to find out more, or to obtain a free, no-obligation quote, please don’t hesitate to get in touch for further information.