home security installations Leeds

Which? report highlights dangers of buying cheap Christmas tree lights

Electrical safety advice from Which? Trusted Traders in Leeds

As regular readers of our blog will know, here at FirstEye we often provide updates on electrical safety and how to protect your home and family. With this in mind, we’ve read with interest a report which has just been released by Which?, highlighting the dangers of buying cheap, unbranded Christmas tree lights.

According to the report, the main culprits appear to be cheap lights purchased from third-party sellers including eBay and AliExpress. Nearly half of the lights tested which had been bought from these sellers were electrically unsafe and dangerous to use. In addition, over 90% of those checked failed to meet the safety standards which allow them to be sold in the UK.

The Which? report highlights the dangers of buying cheap, unbranded electrical goods as many of the sets of lights tested presented a genuine fire risk. Our advice echoes the advice given by Which?: don’t buy cheap Christmas lights and if you already have some on your tree, take them down and replace them with a branded set.

To read Which?’s advice, please see their website.

Get in touch with FirstEye

Our services have been accredited by the Which? Trusted Traders Scheme, designed to provide you with reassurance that our skills, qualification and experience are of the highest standard. If you’re concerned about any aspect of the safety of the electrics in your home, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for advice. Contacting FirstEye is easy: simply call 0113 2288599 or email quote@firsteye.co.uk

alarm installation maintenance in Leeds

Make sure you stay safe and secure this Christmas

Domestic and business security installations from FirstEye

Christmas is almost here and if you’re planning on spending time away from home visiting friends and family, or jetting off to somewhere a little warmer, we thought we’d remind you about the importance of ensuring your home or business is secure whilst it’s unattended.

Unfortunately the Christmas break and the run up to it are often used by thieves as an opportunity to attempt a break in. Properties which don’t have sufficient sufficient protection are much more likely to be targeted. With this in mind, it’s worth remember that if you don’t have security measures such as a burglar alarm or security lighting, your property could be at greater risk.

Security solutions designed to help you safeguard your home or business

Security lighting is a highly effective yet cost-effective way of protecting a property. Designed to prevent intruders from using darkness as a hiding place, security lighting will illuminate outside areas of a property with bright light. Not only does this help to prevent break-ins, it can also prove to be incredibly useful if you’re trying to unlock your front door in the dark! A range of different types of security lighting can be installed; from simple sensor lights designed to be triggered by movement, through to dusk until dawn lighting, or security lighting which can be connected to an intruder alarm system.

A security alarm offers the single most effective way to protect your home or business from intruders. Here at FirstEye we have the expertise to design and install systems to suit all budgets and properties; from bell only systems through to high-tech systems which can be linked to fire alarms etc. We also install a wide range of CCTV systems, suitable for either residential, commercial or business settings, designed to provide highly effective protection 24/7.

Remember that there are also simple steps you can take to protect your property whilst you’re away; including asking a neighbour to move post out of sight of your front door mat, through to using timer switches on lamps or lights. Whatever you do this Christmas though, make sure you relax and enjoy the break!

Get in touch

To find out more about our services, or to arrange for your free, no-obligation security survey, get in touch by calling 0113 2288599 or email quote@firsteye.co.uk



business security installations Leeds

New year new approach to business security

The start of another year is a great opportunity to make a resolution or two; whether it’s to get more exercise or eat less! Whilst we’re on the subject of resolutions, although it’s incredibly important, security is something many business owners tend to put on the back burner, putting themselves at risk of significant unexpected expense and stress. With this in mind, why not make 2020 your year to improve and update your business security systems?

Business security systems for businesses of all sizes

Whether your business is based in your home, a small shop, office block or large factory, ensuring you have sufficient security in place is a vital way to protect your staff and assets from the risk of crime. Crime costs UK businesses billions of pounds each year in lost revenues and has a huge impact upon the lives of business owners, their employees and customers.

Here at FirstEye we install a wide range of security systems for business of all sizes; from security alarm systems and access control, through to CCTV, vehicle barriers and physical security. We understand that not all businesses have access to huge budgets and as such will work closely with you to help you select a system which provides you with the protection you need at a price you can afford.

Helping you change the way you protect your businesses

Whether you’re concerned about shoplifting, vandalism or employee theft, our commercial security solutions can be upscaled to meet your requirements. The best way to start your new approach to business security is to arrange for one of our free, no-obligation security services – all you need to do is get in touch with us to make an appointment.

Contacting FirstEye is easy: simply call 0113 228 8599 or email quote@firsteye.co.uk and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

fire alarm installations leeds

Is fire safety your priority?

Fire alarm installations, servicing and repair in Leeds

It goes without saying that a reliable fire alarm and detection system is the single most effective way to help prevent or control the outbreak of a fire. If you run a business or are responsible for a multi-occupancy residential building, you’re likely to be aware of the rules and regulations in place which govern the installation of fire alarms in such buildings. Our team are specialists in designing and installing systems which meet these regulations, ensuring you meet your obligations whilst also providing you, your staff or tenants with peace of mind.

Fire safety services for landlords in Leeds

We provide electrical installation services for landlords throughout Leeds and West Yorkshire and whether you have a fire safety system which needs updating or servicing, or are considering installing a new system, we have the expertise to help. We’ll provide you with the advice and guidance you need to ensure your tenants are safe, secure and protected, providing you with reassurance that your property is of the standard required.

Fire safety services for business and commercial clients

Our electrical installation services are also available for business and commercial customers, covering the installation of fire alarm systems in offices, shops, industrial units and factories. Designed to protect your businesses of all sizes from the risk of fire, our fire alarm systems can be tailored to meet the unique requirements of your business premises.

Contact FirstEye for advice on fire alarm system installations

To find out more about our fire alarm installation services, or to arrange a free, no-obligation quote, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with FirstEye today.


Which? Trusted Trader

Security alarm installations you can trust

Which? Trusted Trader alarm installation services in Leeds

Choosing to install a security alarm your home is an important decision and you’ll want to know that your new system has been installed correctly and works properly. Here at FirstEye we were the first security systems installers in Leeds to be accredited by the Which? Trusted Trader scheme which started over four years ago. This means that by choosing us to install your alarm system, you’ll have the reassurance of knowing that your home is in safe and experienced hands.

What is Which? Trusted Traders?

Which? Is an organisation which champions the rights of consumers. Famous for their product reviews and impartial advice on everything from motoring, home and garden products, through to technology and home services, Which? is trusted by homeowners. The Trusted Traders scheme is designed to take the hassle and uncertainty out of choosing local tradespeople to carry out work on your home.

To be endorsed by Which? we’ve had to undergo a rigorous assessment process which involved having our qualifications and references checked. We also have to show that we have the right insurance in place and have had a face-to-face interview to check that our business is in good shape. Which? have also talked to some of our previous customers and we have to comply with a code of conduct to retain our membership of the scheme. For further information on the Which? Trusted Traders scheme, please visit the Which? website.

Contact us to arrange for your free, no obligation quote

If you’re considering have an alarm installed, choosing FirstEye is a great way to ensure peace of mind a reliable, high quality service. To find out more about our alarm installation services in Leeds, or to arrange for a free security check and no-obligation quote, please get in touch by calling 0113 228 8599 or email quote@firsteye.co.uk

Shop security installations leeds

Simple tips to protect your business from shoplifters

Easy ways to protect your shop

Shoplifting costs UK businesses many millions of pounds each year in lost revenues. Not only is shop lifting expensive it’s demoralising too but by taking a few simple steps, you could improve the security of your shop and reduce the chances of it happening.

Seasoned shoplifters can tell within seconds of walking in how easy it is to steal from a shop. They base their assessment on how quickly they are spoken to be a member of staff and so by greeting everyone who enters yours, you’ll send out the message that you, and your staff, are aware of what’s going on.

It can also be helpful to spend a little time working out where thefts are happening inside your shop. If one area seems to be more prone to theft than others, think about what you could do to improve the situation. For example, is it covered by your CCTV cameras? Can you see the area from the till? It might be worth moving expensive items away from the area, moving shelving or re-positioning staff.

Last and by no means least, by keeping your shop clean and tidy you’ll be sending out the message that everything is in order and that your security is up-to-date. Wide, uncluttered aisles make it harder for shoplifters to operate unnoticed, whilst a clean and tidy shop exterior will also help.

Get in touch with FirstEye for business security advice

Here at FirstEye we work with commercial businesses throughout Leeds and Yorkshire, providing a range of security solutions including CCTV systems, intruder alarms and access control. We offer systems to suit all budgets and requirements so if you’d like to find out more, please get in touch by calling 0113 228 8599 or email quote@firsteye.co.uk

commercial security systems Leeds

Protect your business from crime this Christmas

Security solutions for businesses in Yorkshire

In last week’s post we covered the importance of ensuring your home is protected from the risk of theft during the run up to Christmas. This week we’re going to focus upon how important pre-Christmas security is for shop owners and those who run retail businesses.

Business security is, of course, essential throughout the year but in the busy run up to Christmas when your business is carrying extra stock, ensuring you have sufficient systems in place is vital.

Here at FirstEye we work with businesses throughout Leeds and West Yorkshire, designing and installing a wide range of security systems, with options to suit shops and business premises of all sizes. We’ll work with you to find a system which not only gives your business the protection it needs, but is also in line with your budget. Here are a few examples of the security systems we offer:

Security alarms: a reliable security alarm is an essential piece of kit for all businesses and will provide you with reassurance that your shop, warehouse or storage unit is fully protected. From state-of-the-art systems designed to be linked to fire alarms and CCTV, through to basic bell only alarms, we’ll install a system which meets your requirements.
Access control: providing a relatively simple yet highly effective way to protect stock rooms or back offices, access control will help you control and monitor who has access to particular areas. Designed to be operated either by a pin code, key fob or swipe card, installing access control also puts an end to the expense and hassle of replacing lost keys.
CCTV: CCTV is increasingly popular with shop and retail business owners as it offers peace of mind. Suitable for covering the exterior or interior of your premises, installing CCTV will enable you to check what’s going on when you’re not there whilst providing you with valuable video evidence if the worst happens. From one camera to multiple units, we’ll install a system which protects your premises.

Get in touch to arrange your free security survey

Christmas is coming and rather than putting it off any longer, why not get in touch with us to start giving your business the protection it deserves? We provide free, no-obligation security services, designed to provide you with information on the options available. To arrange for your security survey, simply get in touch by calling 0113 228 8599 or email quote@firsteye.co.uk

security systems leeds

Protect your home this Christmas

Domestic intruder alarms installed in Leeds by FirstEye

Christmas is just around the corner and unfortunately at this time of year, many burglars take advantage of the festive season by targeting homes with aim of stealing presents such electronic goods, jewellery and watches etc. Rather than having your Christmas ruined, why not act now and install a burglar alarm to give your home and family the protection they deserve?

Home security systems to suit all budgets and requirements

We install a wide range of domestic security systems with options to suit all budgets and requirements. From simple, bell-only alarms through to smart alarms, CCTV cameras and video doorbells, we can help you provide your home with a level of security that’s right for you.

A security alarm is a very worthwhile investment and even a simple alarm system will act as a highly effective deterrent. We’ll work closely with you to help you choose the best system for your home and lifestyle; either upgrading or repairing your existing system or installing a brand new alarm.

CCTV is becoming increasingly popular with homeowners and it’s not hard to see why. Offering you the capability to monitor the interior or exterior of your home at any time from anywhere, the systems we install are controlled by a convenient smartphone app. In addition, we also offer the option to integrate CCTV cameras with an alarm system, providing you with comprehensive security and complete control.

Last and by no means least, we also provide cost-effective security lighting, intercom and smart doorbell installations, offering a range of easy ways to further improve the security of your home.

Get in touch to arrange for your free, no-obligation security survey

Rather than waiting until the worst happens, why not protect your home and possessions now? We offer a free, no-obligation security survey and quote service, designed to provide an easy way to discover the best ways to protect your property. To find out more or to arrange an appointment, get in touch by calling 0113 228 8599 or email quote@firsteye.co.uk and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

security systems installed in Leeds

Are you moving house?

Home security solutions installed by FirstEye

If you’re thinking about moving house and are busy looking around potential properties, it’s important to put security at the top of your list. It’s easy to get distracted and moving house is a very busy time, but by taking security into consideration now, you could save yourself a great deal of heartache.

There are plenty of simple things you can do to help you decide whether a potential property is safe and secure, including:

  • Try asking people living nearby for their thoughts on what it’s like to live there – local knowledge can be incredibly useful!
  • What’s the area like at night? An area can feel very different when it’s dark and if you feel uncomfortable, it might be a good idea to look elsewhere.
  • Is the property fitted with a security system and if it is, how old/reliable is the system?
  • Is there security lighting?
  • On moving day, it’s a good idea to change the locks and keys. It’s impossible to know who has keys and for peace of mind it’s well worth the expense.
  • If the property has a burglar alarm, make the sure you get the code and manual from the previous owners. Alarm maintenance is important and if the system hasn’t been serviced for a while, arrange for a service appointment as soon as possible.
  • If there isn’t an alarm system, arrange to have one installed as soon possible. Unfortunately we meet lots of homeowners who want to have an alarm installed because they’ve just been burgled but prevention is much better than cure.
  • Organise your home insurance as soon as possible and make sure you have the correct level of cover.
  • Check garages, sheds and outbuildings – if you’re going to store valuables (bikes, sports equipment, power tools etc.), consider having an alarm installed.
  • Security lighting is a cost-effective, quick-fix approach to home security. Consider installing outside lights if there aren’t any.

Get in touch with FirstEye to arrange for your free security survey

Here at FirstEye we work with homeowners throughout Leeds and surrounding areas, providing reliable security installation and maintenance services. If you’ve just moved house, why not get in touch to arrange for a free, no-obligation security survey? One of our fully qualified engineers will carry out an assessment of your new home, providing you with a range of options to suit your budget and requirements.

access control installations Leeds

Which access control system do you need?

Standalone and Networked access control systems installed in Leeds by FirstEye

Following on from last week’s post on the benefits an access control system could offer your business, in this post we’re going to outline the two types of system we install.

Standalone network control systems

Standalone network control systems are easy to operate and are ideal for controlling either a single door or several doors in a series. This makes them perfect for smaller offices, apartments, storage units and shops etc. Access through each door is provided either by a keypad code number, swipe card, fob or token presented to a door reader. Cost-effective and a great way to enhance the security of your business premises, installing a standalone network control system will provide you with peace of mind and protection against theft.

Networked access control systems

These systems are controlled by a network or PC based system and offer the capability to have complete control from one central computer or by logging onto networked access control software. This type of system is perfect for businesses who need to provide multiple users with individual control, or have multiple buildings such as business complexes, industrial buildings, universities and colleges.

Installing a networked access control system means that users are able to control all access points from a control system from anywhere in the building, creating different user access pathways, whilst also issuing or barring access cards, tokens or fobs as required. In addition, networked systems also include a reporting facility which provides a useful way to monitor who has passed through each access controlled door and when.

Get in touch with FirstEye

We work with businesses and organisations throughout Leeds and the North of England, providing reliable, cost-effective security installation services.

Whether you’d like to find out more about access control for your business, or are unsure about the best system for you, please get in touch with FirstEye. Contacting us is simple: just call 0113 228 8599 or email quote@firsteye.co.uk