Enhance security with a Paxton Net2 door access system

Paxton Net2 door access systems installed in Leeds by FirstEye

Thanks to a superb advanced training session provided by the team at Paxton, our engineers are now ready to install the latest Paxton Access Net2 door access system. The ideal choice for business, commercial and residential customers, this excellent system offers the perfect solution to enhanced security, no matter where you live or work.

The Paxton Net2 system

Net2 is a highly advanced pc-based access control system, designed to provide centralised administration and bespoke access privileges to groups or individual users. Unlike other systems, Net2 is designed to be user-friendly, making it the ideal choice for a wide range of locations including flats and multi-occupancy buildings, offices, schools and colleges, sports clubs or car parks.

Net2 includes a number of useful key features, designed to make the system easy to use and manage, such as:

  • Centrally controlled access privileges
  • Event reporting
  • Can be integrated into other building systems
  • Access through keypad, magstripe or proximity
  • Manage thousands of doors and up to 50,000 users
  • Scalable system, designed to be easily extended or added to

Paxton Net2 installed throughout Yorkshire by FirstEye

Paxton’s Net2 system offers the ideal way to increase or enhance the security of your premises. Here at FirstEye our team of engineers are highly trained in installing the Net2 system and if you would like further information, or to receive a no-obligation quote, we’d be delighted to help. To find out more or to arrange an appointment at a time to suit you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


pyronix intruder alarm installations leeds

Survey confirms that Pyronix intruder alarms provide unbeatable protection

Pyronix intruder alarms have proved incredibly popular with our customers and we’re delighted to see that this particular brand has performed especially well in a recent Which? survey of alarm systems.

Which? are well-known consumer champions and in a recent study by the organisation, designed to highlight the very best (and worst) standalone alarm systems, Pyronix alarms came out top in the majority of categories. Which? looked at a number of categories including alarm quality, alarm sensitivity, ease of use and value for money. As theWhich? survey concludes, Pyronix beat other brands including Texecom as more of those who responded said they were very satisfied with the system and it’s positive feedback such as this which we regularly receive from our customers.

Pyronix burglar alarms

Pyronix offer a wide range of alarm systems, with wired or wireless options suitable for either home or business use. Pyronix alarms are designed to include patented anti-mask detectors which can detect if someone is trying to cover the sensors up, whilst some models are available with keyfobs which allow the alarm to be turned on or off without having to input an access code.

In addition Pyronix also manufacture a range of dialler and smart alarms which are designed to be controlled remotely using a smartphone app to give you control over your alarm, regardless of where you are. There aren’t many smart security systems which have the capability to alert you if there’s a problem at home, no matter where you might be in the world; however Pyronix systems allow you to do this.

Pyronix burglar alarms installed in Leeds

Here at FirstEye we are Which? Trusted Traders and because we are part of this scheme, you’ll have the reassurance of knowing that our skills and services are of the high standard we know you expect. So if you’re looking for unbeatable security protection for your home or business, we think Pyronix intruder alarms are the ideal cost-effective choice. We have many years of installing Pyronix alarms for customers in Leeds and throughout West Yorkshire; so if you would like to find out more, or to obtain a free, no-obligation quote, why not get in touch today?

business security solutions

Our advice on protecting your business from crime

What are the best ways to ensure business security?

Limiting the risk of being targeted by criminals has always been a priority for business owners. However, because criminals are continually looking for new ways to rob businesses, it’s important to ensure your premises are as safe and secure as possible.

Here are some of the most effective steps you can take:

  • If you don’t have an intruder alarm make sure you get one installed as soon as possible, along with signs to warn potential intruders of its presence.
  • Identify all potential access points to your premises and ensure that doors are strong and that window locks have been fitted.
  • Security lighting offers a highly effective method of deterring intruders and will help to make your staff feel safer when they arrive or leave.
  • CCTV provides yet another highly effective deterrent but don’t forget that you’ll also need to be aware of data protection rules.
  • Put up signs to warn that certain parts of your premises are only accessible to members of staff – installing an access control system is an excellent way to further boost security and control who has access to different areas of your premises.
  • The techniques criminals use tend to evolve over time so it’s important to undertake regular checks to ensure your security measures are up to standard.

Contact FirstEye to find out more

Here at FirstEye we work with businesses throughout Leeds and West Yorkshire, providing highly effective security solutions to suit all budgets. From CCTV systems through to intruder alarms, security lighting and fire alarm systems, we can help you secure your business and provide you with peace of mind.

If you would like to find out more, or to obtain a free, no-obligation quote, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.

We are a Which? Trusted Trader

FirstEye are qualified, trusted electricians in Leeds

Here at FirstEye we’re incredibly proud of our reputation for providing high qualiy, certified electrical services and for the great relationship we have with our clients. In addition we’ve also been recognised as Which? Trusted Trader and if you’re not aware of what this means and how it could benefit you, we thought we’d explain what it means.

Which? is a longstanding organisation which has worked for decades to champion the rights of consumers in the UK. Despite the fact that Which? have a widely recognised reputation for the work they do in areas such as product testing, many of our customers don’t realise that they also test traders such as FirstEye!

The Trusted Traders scheme has been set up as a way to recognise the services offered by traders who have successfully met the scheme’s rigorous criteria.  Membership of the scheme involves Which? contacting and checking with customers, before making an in-depth assessment of how each trader runs their business and the relationship they have with customers. Once initial checks have been carried out, Which? carry out a formal, face-to-face interview and ask the trader to agree to the scheme’s code of conduct.

At FirstEye we know that finding a reputable trader to carry out work on your home or business can prove to be a very daunting prospect indeed. However, choosing a Which? Trusted Trader is an excellent way to provide peace of mind that we are reputable, qualified and our work is of a high standard. Don’t just take our word for it though – Which? agree too!

Contact FirstEye to find out more

No job is too large or small for the team at FirstEye and if you’d like to find out more about our services, or to arrange for a free no-obligation quote, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Enhance the security of your home with a remote video doorbell

The benefits of remote video doorbells

We know how important security is for our customers and with this in mind, remote video doorbells look set to become increasingly popular. The ideal way to monitor visitors or receive parcels without having to wait at home, remote video door bells are designed to be connected to a smartphone or tablet app.

The use of security systems linked to smartphone or tablet apps is on the rise and using a remote video doorbell can offer a number of benefits:

  • Burglary prevention: a remote video doorbell can help deter potential intruders as unlike traditional doorbells, it’s possible to answer the door regardless of where you are. Not only does this offer the opportunity to vet callers but can also help to give the impression that your home is occupied.
  • Doorstep deliveries: there’s nothing more frustrating than missing an important delivery but because a remote video doorbell enables communication with callers, it’s possible to direct deliveries to a safe place or your neighbour’s house, for example.
  • Record visitors: some systems offer the capability to record and playback footage – this can prove particularly useful in the event of an attempted break in or in the case of nuisance callers.
  • Connect to different entry points to your home: using a remote video doorbell also makes it possible to connect to different entry points to your home, such as the backdoor or garage; helping to further enhance security.
  • Instant notification: remote doorbell systems are designed to be connected to several smartphones or tablets to allow multiple users to have access to the system. If someone rings the doorbell you’ll receive an instant notification, whether you ‘answer’ the doorbell or not.

Find out more about improving home security

Here at FirstEye we provide a range of effective home security solutions for customers throughout Leeds and West Yorkshire. From intruder alarms and CCTV systems, through to home automation and remote video doorbells, our services are designed to offer cost-effective security systems for residential and business customers. If you would like to find out more, or to arrange for a free, no-obligation quote, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

home automation systems installed by FirstEye

Home automation systems designed to help you save money on your energy bills

Here at FirstEye we take great pride in working with our customers to provide them with cost-effective solutions, designed to help them reduce their household bills. Home automation systems offer a wide range of benefits, not least in terms of helping keep the cost of heating and lighting your home to a minimum. At this time of year – after the expense of Christmas and the cold winter weather, installing a home automation system could help you make significant savings.

A smart thermostat to help you take control of your heating

Smart thermostats can be installed as part of a home automation system and as a new type of central heating control, are designed to be accessed or adjusted via a smartphone or tablet app. Smart thermostats provide far greater control, enabling you to adjust your heating whenever or wherever you like.

A range of smart thermostats are now available and although they offer slightly different features, the all offer the option to:

  • Turn heating on or off, or to control the temperature from your tablet or smartphone.
  • Avoid heating unused spaces by controlling central heating on a room-by-room basis.
  • Monitor the amount of energy you use – this can help you make savings on your bills.
  • Control your heating based upon your routine; for example if you’re late home from work, you’d have the ability to delay the time your heating switches on.

Contact FirstEye to find out more about home automation and smart thermostats

If you would like to find out more about the benefits of smart thermostats or home automation systems, we’d be delighted to help. Our services are available to residential and business customers throughout Yorkshire so why not get in touch today?

security installations in Leeds

Happy Christmas from FirstEye

We’d like to take the opportunity to thank you for reading our blog posts over the past year and to wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. We’re going to take a break from blog writing until the first week in January when we’ll be back with more news, views, advice and insights into the world of security and electrical installations.

Whatever you’re doing this Christmas, stay safe and enjoy a relaxing break!



domestic intruder alarms

Protect what’s important to you with a domestic intruder alarm

Domestic intruder alarms designed to provide round the clock protection

Christmas is almost here and at this time year the long dark nights tend to make our homes more susceptible to burglary. Regardless of the season a domestic intruder alarm offers an excellent way to ensure your home is safe, secure and protected.

Here at FirstEye we have many years of experience in helping our clients protect what’s important to them and whether you’re looking for a state-of-the-art intruder alarm and CCTV system, or a simple bell only alarm, we can help.

Intruder alarms are designed to detect unwanted intruders in your home and thanks to developments in technology; it’s now possible to receive alarm notifications on your phone, laptop or tablet, regardless of where you are. In addition, the alarm bell boxes we install provide a loud and clear signal that your property is protected, helping to deter intruders from attempting to break in in the first place. A great way to provide yourself with the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your home is safe, secure and protected a modern intruder alarm will provide reliable home security 24 hours a day.

Domestic CCTV systems provide round the clock surveillance

For an enhanced level of security, increasing numbers of our domestic clients are choosing to install CCTV systems in their properties. Whether you require just one camera or several, we can install a system which enables you to view crystal clear images, anytime and anywhere using a smartphone or tablet app. Not only designed to catch unwanted intruders, internal and external CCTV cameras provide an excellent way to monitor your property and pets, whenever you need to.

Contact FirstEye for further information

If you would like to find out more about the benefits of protecting your home with a domestic intruder alarm or CCTV system, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by calling FirstEye on 0113 228 8599.

Security systems Leeds

Stay safe and secure this Christmas

Commercial and domestic security installations from FirstEye

Christmas is nearly here and if you’re planning on going away this year – whether you’re jetting off to somewhere a little warmer or will be staying with family or friends – we thought we’d remind you about the importance of ensuring your home or business is secure whilst it’s unattended.

Sadly the Christmas holiday and the run up to it are often used by thieves as an opportunity to attempt a break in. Properties which aren’t adequately protected are much more likely to be targeted and if you don’t have security measures such as a burglar alarm or security lighting, your property could be at greater risk.

Security solutions designed to help you protect your home or business

Security lighting is a highly effective yet relatively economical way of protecting a property. Designed to prevent intruders from using darkness as a cover, security lighting will flood the outside areas of property with bright light. Not only does this help to prevent break-ins, it can also prove to be very useful if you’re trying to unlock your front door in the dark! A range of different types of security lighting are available, from simple sensor lights designed to be triggered by movement, through to dusk until dawn lighting and security lights which can be connected to an intruder alarm system.

A security alarm offers the single most effective way to protect your home or business from intruders and here at FirstEye we have the expertise to design and install systems to suit all budgets and requirements. From bell only systems through to high-tech systems which can be linked to fire alarms etc. We also install a wide range of CCTV systems, suitable for either residential, commercial or business settings, designed to provide highly effective protection 24/7.

There are also simple steps you can take to protect your property whilst you’re away; including asking a neighbour to move post out of sight of your front door mat, through to using timer switches on lamps or lights. But whatever you do this Christmas, make sure you relax and enjoy the break!

domestic home improvement services

New Year – new project?

Planning a home improvement project? Our services are designed to help!

New Year is the time when we make all those resolutions we mean to get round to at some point and if yours includes DIY jobs you keep putting off, we can help. Our services are designed to meet the individual requirements and whether you’re thinking about a major project such as a home extension or loft conversion, or if you have something smaller in mind such as a bit of decorating, we offer a range of cost-effective home improvement services.

FirstEye property services in Leeds

We have more than 20 years of experience in helping our clients remodel and improve their homes. From major building work through to electrical installations and garden landscaping, we offer a comprehensive home improvement service, suitable for projects of all shapes and sizes.

Create additional space with a home extension

Increasing the space in your home with an extension or loft conversion is a great way to create additional space without the additional costs of moving house. Adding an extension or converting your loft space will also add value to your property, whilst ensuring you have the space you need for many years to come. Our wide ranging experience covers both single and multi-storey extensions, to either the side or rear of a property. From the initial design and planning stages, through to building work, fixtures and fittings, we offer a complete solution, developed to take the hassle out of all domestic building projects.

Versatile home improvement services to suit your requirements

Alongside our building services, we also have the expertise to work on a wide range of projects, from bathroom and kitchen re-fits, through to fencing, garden landscaping, and decorating, plumbing and electrical installations. Rather than trying to tackle these jobs yourself, using our services is the best way to ensure a top-quality end result with the minimum of fuss and disruption.

Contact FirstEye for further information

No matter what you’ve got planned for your home in the New Year we have the skills and experience to help – why not get in touch today to arrange your free, no-obligation quote?